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Welcome to the governance section of the website, we hope you find it useful and informative.

St Martin’s is a Voluntary Aided Church of England Primary School and a member of the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust (DSAT).

DSAT Trust Board

We are members of the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust and the governance of the Trust belongs to the main DSAT Board. Above is our Scheme of Delegation.  This also includes our Constitution and Terms of Reference. Paper copies can be obtained through the school office or by using the contact us option on this website. 

St Martin’s Academy Standards and Ethos Committee (ASEC) works on behalf of the children’s parents and carers, and of the local community, to develop and monitor:

  • The vision, ethos, and strategic direction of the school
  • The educational performance of the school

It does this by working closely with the Headteacher who is responsible for the day to day running of the school. 

The ASEC includes up to nine governors:

The Headteacher, a Staff Governor, two Parent Governors (elected by parents) and five Foundation (members of the local Church of England) or Trust Appointed Governors.  Associate Governors may also be appointed to support the development of special projects or particular aspects of the school. 

The ASEC meets at least 6 times per year and between these meetings its members visit school to monitor specific areas such as safeguarding, the curriculum, special educational needs, the school’s spiritual development. 

Members of the Academic Standards and Ethos Committee:

Mike Oldham - Chair (Foundation)

Barbara Lovibond - Vice Chair (Foundation)

Ollie Martindale (ex-officio) - Executive Headteacher

Becka Miller-Goddard (ex-officio) - Head of School

Steven Donohue (Trust Appointed)

Claire Beazley (Trust Appointed)

If you wish to contact the Academy Standards & Ethos Committee please email