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Pupil Premium Strategies and Reviews

Please find our most recent pupil premium strategies below. You will note that our most recent plan covers a three-year period. There will be light-touch reviews each year but recent DfE guidance has suggested moving in this direction for the reasons quoted on their website and below:

"From September 2019 schools are encouraged to move away from full annual reviews that can be time-consuming and instead consider a multi-year strategy – such as one covering a 3 year period – for pupil premium use, with light touch annual reviews that will continue to form the school’s pupil premium statement. This will help school leaders to:

  • take a longer view of the support the grant will provide
  • align their plan with the wider school improvement strategy

Doing this will give schools greater certainty when planning their:

  • expenditure
  • recruitment
  • teaching practice
  • staff development"