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Christian Ethos and SIAMS

St Martin's Primary School is a school with a strong Christian identity.

Please see our Vision and Values page for more information about how our core Christian vision and values are lived out at our school.

Collective Worship

Our collective worship is underpinned with three core aims: to be inclusive, invitational and inspirational. Worship takes many forms at St Martin's Primary School - including (but not limited to) collective worship time with our whole school community, celebrations at our local Church throughout the year and our weekly class worship time - where pupils are encouraged and supported to share their own faiths, beliefs and opinions.

Collective worship at our school is supported by our worship council - a team of dedicated pupils across the school who create, deliver and evaluate whole school worship. 

Members of our school community are invited to worship with us each Monday - please let the school office know if you would like to attend.

Please see our Collective Worship policy (below) for more information about worship at St Martin's Primary School.

St Martin's Church

We have close links with our local church ( and celebrate there four times a year with our entire St Martin's community.

Our most recent visit was our Harvest Festival in October 2024 where the children gathered together with their families, teachers and friends to give thanks for the food we have and to learn more about the vital work done by the Trussell Trust. Our food drive collected food to donate to this charity.


We believe that every child at St Martin's has a spark of something unique and wonderful - and it is our job to help them to explore, nurture and celebrate this.  Opportunities for spiritual development are presented or naturally arise and are promoted in all aspects of the curriculum and school life.  The children become actively engaged in an enquiry-based curriculum, which provides a wide range of experiential learning opportunities that enables them to question, reflect and respond, and consider their own values, beliefs and feelings and those of others. In addition, as part of the curriculum, the children have opportunities:

  • To visit places of beauty, interest and challenge
  • To admire and wonder at the natural environment and human creative efforts
  • To work out personal relationships in challenging situations
  • To experience community cohesion links at a local, national and global level
  • To engage in charity based activities
  • To participate in a wide range of events and activities, involving a range of outside agencies, coaches, etc.

Please see our spirituality policy for more information on this aspect of our curriculum.

Chaplaincy at St Martin's

St Martin's is very fortunate to have a school chaplain who supports our school in many different ways - from developing classroom reflection areas and teaching RE from EYFS to Year 6 to mentoring a wide range of pupils and leading our collective worship. Our school chaplain is an integral part of our community at St Martins.


We are a SIAMS good school (November 2021) Please see the report below.